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- /* Routinesheader
- Name: xpkmaster.c
- Main: xpkmaster
- Versionstring: $VER: xpkmaster.c 1.10 (01.04.97)
- Author: SDI
- Distribution: PD
- Description: the main xpk functions
- 1.0 09.10.96 : first real version
- 1.1 27.12.96 : removed 1.3 specific functions
- 1.2 10.01.97 : corrected XpkPack's abort
- 1.3 11.01.97 : corrected mem bug (reported by Laurent Kempe)
- 1.4 30.01.97 : hopefully fixed mem bug finally
- 1.5 31.01.97 : bug still occured
- 1.6 01.03.97 : added NoPack stuff to XpkWrite and XpkPack
- 1.7 24.03.97 : fixed XpkPack
- 1.8 25.03.97 : added AutoPasswd
- 1.9 28.03.97 : moved autopassword into xpkopen
- 1.10 01.04.97 : fixed NoPack error
- */
- #include <pragma/exec_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/intuition_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/dos_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/utility_lib.h>
- #include <pragma/xpkmaster_lib.h>
- #include <exec/types.h>
- #include <exec/memory.h>
- #include <exec/tasks.h>
- #include <libraries/ppbase.h>
- #include <dos/dos.h>
- #include "xpkmaster.h"
- #include "xpk_strings.h"
- #ifdef SUPPORT_A4
- LONG XpkOpenA4NAME(struct XpkFib **xfh, struct TagItem *tags, ULONG a4);
- #ifdef __SASC
- #pragma libcall XpkBase XpkOpenA4NAME 036 C9803
- #else
- #pragma amicall(XpkBase,0x36,XpkOpenA4NAME(a0,a1,a4))
- #endif
- #else
- #define XpkOpenA4NAME XpkOpen
- #endif
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * XpkPack() - pack a file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkPack(register __a0 struct TagItem *tags A4PROTO)
- {
- struct XpkBuffer *xbuf = 0;
- STRPTR buf;
- LONG totlen, res, chunklen;
- if(!FindTagItem(XPK_PackMethod, tags))
- if((res = XpkOpenA4NAME((struct XpkFib **) &xbuf, tags A4SUPP)))
- return res;
- totlen = xbuf->xb_InLen;
- CurrentTime(&xbuf->xb_Secs, &xbuf->xb_Mics); /* Start the clock */
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type = XPKPROG_START;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_ULen = totlen;
- if(callprogress(xbuf))
- return XpkClose((struct XpkFib *) xbuf);
- while(totlen > 0)
- {
- chunklen = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen;
- if(!(buf = (STRPTR) hookread(xbuf, XIO_READ, NULL, chunklen)))
- break;
- if(XpkWrite((struct XpkFib *) xbuf, buf, chunklen))
- break;
- totlen -= chunklen;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type = XPKPROG_MID; /* Progress report */
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_UCur += chunklen;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_CCur = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur;
- if(callprogress(xbuf))
- return XpkClose((struct XpkFib *) xbuf);
- }
- if(xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type)
- {
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type = XPKPROG_END;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_CCur += xbuf->xb_Headers.h_LocSize;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Activity = xbuf->xb_Result ?
- strings[TXT_ABORTED] : xbuf->xb_LastMsg;
- callprogress(xbuf); /* Call the hook one last time */
- }
- return XpkClose((struct XpkFib *) xbuf);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * XpkUnpack - unpack a file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkUnpack(register __a0 struct TagItem *tags A4PROTO)
- {
- struct XpkBuffer *xbuf = NULL;
- STRPTR pointer;
- LONG len, res;
- if((res = XpkOpenA4NAME((struct XpkFib **) &xbuf, tags A4SUPP)))
- return res;
- if(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_PACKING)
- {
- xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_BADPARAMS;
- goto Abort;
- }
- CurrentTime(&xbuf->xb_Secs, &xbuf->xb_Mics); /* Start the clock */
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type = XPKPROG_START; /* Initialize progress */
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_ULen = xbuf->xb_ULen;
- if(callprogress(xbuf))
- goto Abort;
- if(!hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_TOTSIZE, NULL, xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_ULen + XPK_MARGIN))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkUnpack: XIO_TOTSIZE failed");
- #endif
- goto Abort;
- }
- if(!(pointer = (STRPTR) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_GETBUF, 0, xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen)))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkUnpack: XIO_GETBUF failed (a)");
- #endif
- goto Abort;
- }
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result)
- DebugError("XpkUnpack: failure before unpackloop");
- #endif
- while((len = XpkRead((struct XpkFib *) xbuf, pointer, XPKLEN_ONECHUNK)) > 0)
- {
- if(!hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, pointer, len))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkUnpack: XIO_WRITE failed");
- #endif
- goto Abort;
- }
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type = XPKPROG_MID; /* Progress report */
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_CCur = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_UCur = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur;
- if(callprogress(xbuf))
- goto Abort;
- if(!(pointer = (STRPTR) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_GETBUF, NULL, xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen)))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkUnpack: XIO_GETBUF failed (b)");
- #endif
- goto Abort;
- }
- }
- xbuf->xb_Result = len;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result)
- DebugError("XpkUnpack: XpkRead failed with %ld", xbuf->xb_Result);
- #endif
- if(xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type)
- {
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Type = XPKPROG_END;
- xbuf->xb_Prog.xp_Activity = xbuf->xb_Result ? strings[TXT_ABORTED] : xbuf->xb_LastMsg;
- callprogress (xbuf); /* Call the hook one last time */
- }
- Abort:
- return XpkClose((struct XpkFib *) xbuf);
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- *
- * XpkOpen - open a file for packing/unpacking
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkOpen(register __a0 struct XpkBuffer **xbufp,
- register __a1 struct TagItem *tags A4PROTO)
- {
- #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(SUPPORT_A4)
- DebugRunTime("XpkOpen: A4 = %ld", a4);
- #elif defined(DEBUG)
- DebugRunTime("XpkOpen");
- #endif
- return xpkopen(xbufp, tags, 0 A4SUPP);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * XpkExamine() - inspect a compressed file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkExamine(register __a0 struct XpkFib *fib,
- register __a1 struct TagItem *tags A4PROTO)
- {
- struct XpkBuffer *dummy;
- LONG res;
- #if defined(DEBUG) && defined(SUPPORT_A4)
- DebugRunTime("XpkExamine: A4 = %ld", a4);
- #elif defined(DEBUG)
- DebugRunTime("XpkExamine");
- #endif
- if((res = xpkopen(&dummy, tags, 1 A4SUPP)))
- return res;
- CopyMem(dummy, fib, sizeof(struct XpkFib));
- // copies the entries of XpkFib
- // *fib = dummy->Fib works too, but calls it's own copy-function
- return XpkClose((struct XpkFib *) dummy);
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * XpkRead() - read one chunk from a compressed file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkRead(register __a0 struct XpkBuffer *xbuf,
- register __a1 STRPTR buf, register __d0 ULONG len)
- {
- struct XpkSubParams *xpar;
- struct Library *XpkSubBase = xbuf->xb_SubBase;
- XpkChunkHeader *lochdr = &(xbuf->xb_Headers.h_Loc);
- LONG ulen, clen, rclen, lochdrsize = xbuf->xb_Headers.h_LocSize;
- ULONG csum;
- ULONG maxon_bug; // remove later all assigns to this var - only workaround
- // for MaxonC++ bug
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugRunTime("XpkRead");
- #endif
- if(!xbuf)
- if(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_EOF)
- return 0;
- switch(xbuf->xb_Format)
- {
- /*********************** Unpack standard XPK *******************/
- if(lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_Type == XPKCHUNK_END)
- return 0;
- // remove (maxon_bug = ..) later, when Maxon removed the bug!
- if((maxon_bug = hchecksum((STRPTR) lochdr, lochdrsize)))
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkRead: hchecksum(,%ld) failed", lochdrsize);
- #endif
- return(xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_CHECKSUM);
- }
- if(xbuf->xb_Headers.h_Glob.xsh_Flags & XPKSTREAMF_LONGHEADERS)
- ulen = lochdr->xch_Long.xchl_ULen, clen = lochdr->xch_Long.xchl_CLen;
- else
- ulen = lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_ULen, clen = lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_CLen;
- rclen = ROUNDLONG(clen);
- if(lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_Type == XPKCHUNK_RAW)
- {
- // remove later assignment
- if(!(maxon_bug = (ULONG) hookread(xbuf, XIO_READ, buf, rclen + lochdrsize)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- if(!(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_NOCRC))
- if((csum=cchecksum((ULONG *) buf, rclen >>2)) != lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_CChk)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkRead: cchecksum(,%ld) = %lx != %lx failed", rclen >> 2, csum, (ULONG) lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_CChk);
- #endif
- return (xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_CHECKSUM);
- }
- CopyMem(buf + rclen, lochdr, lochdrsize);
- }
- else if(lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_Type == XPKCHUNK_PACKED)
- {
- xpar = &xbuf->xb_PackParam;
- if(!(xpar->xsp_InBuf = hookread(xbuf, XIO_READ, NULL, rclen + lochdrsize)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- if(!(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_NOCRC))
- if((csum=cchecksum((ULONG *)xpar->xsp_InBuf, rclen >> 2)) != lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_CChk)
- {
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugError("XpkRead: cchecksum(,%ld) = %lx != %lx failed", rclen >>2 , csum, (ULONG) lochdr->xch_Word.xchw_CChk);
- #endif
- return (xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_CHECKSUM);
- }
- xbuf->xb_Flags |= XMF_INITED;
- xpar->xsp_InLen = clen;
- xpar->xsp_OutLen = ulen;
- xpar->xsp_OutBufLen = ulen;
- xpar->xsp_Number = 0;
- xpar->xsp_OutBuf = buf;
- xpar->xsp_Password = xbuf->xb_Password;
- xpar->xsp_LibVersion = xbuf->xb_Headers.h_Glob.xsh_SubVrs;
- if((xbuf->xb_Result = XpksUnpackChunk(xpar)))
- {
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- }
- CopyMem((STRPTR) xpar->xsp_InBuf + rclen, lochdr, lochdrsize);
- }
- else
- return (xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_CORRUPTPKD);
- updatefib(xbuf);
- return ulen;
- /********************* Unpack powerpacked file ****************/
- {
- struct Library *PPBase = xbuf->xb_SubBase;
- STRPTR inbuf, inbufend;
- if(!(inbuf = (STRPTR) hookread(xbuf, XIO_READ, NULL, xbuf->xb_InLen - 4)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- inbufend = inbuf + xbuf->xb_InLen - 4;
- ppDecrunchBuffer(inbufend, buf, (ULONG *) inbuf, DECR_NONE);
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur = xbuf->xb_InLen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_ULen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen = 0;
- xbuf->xb_Flags |= XMF_EOF;
- return (LONG) xbuf->xb_ULen;
- #else
- return (xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_NOFUNC);
- #endif /* USE_POWERPACKER */
- }
- /********************* Unpack unpacked file *******************/
- {
- ULONG len = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_ULen - xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur;
- if(len > CHUNKSIZE)
- len = CHUNKSIZE;
- else
- xbuf->xb_Flags |= XMF_EOF;
- // maxon_bug later should be removed
- if(!(maxon_bug = (ULONG)hookread(xbuf, XIO_READ, buf, len)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur += len;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur += len;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen = Min(xbuf->xb_InLen - xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur, CHUNKSIZE) + XPK_MARGIN;
- return (LONG) len;
- }
- }
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * XpkWrite() - write a chunk to a compressed file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkWrite(register __a0 struct XpkBuffer *xbuf,
- register __a1 STRPTR buf, register __d0 ULONG ulen)
- {
- struct Library *XpkSubBase = xbuf->xb_SubBase;
- struct XpkSubParams *xpar;
- struct Headers *head = &xbuf->xb_Headers;
- LONG clen, rclen, outbuflen;
- UWORD end[2] = {0,0}; /* last ULONG of buffer, when not longword bounded */
- UBYTE type;
- STRPTR outbuf;
- ULONG maxon_bug; //remove later after correction of bug
- if(!xbuf->xb_FirstChunk)
- xbuf->xb_FirstChunk = ulen;
- if(ulen > xbuf->xb_FirstChunk)
- return (xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_BADPARAMS);
- if(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_NOPACK) // no packing
- {
- hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, buf, ulen);
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur += ulen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur += ulen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen = Min(xbuf->xb_InLen - xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur,
- (LONG) xbuf->xb_ChunkSize);
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- }
- /******************* Write the GlobHdr ********************/
- if(!(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_GLOBHDR))
- {
- if(!xbuf->xb_Password)
- CopyMem(buf, head->h_Glob.xsh_Initial, Min(16, ulen));
- xbuf->xb_Flags |= XMF_GLOBHDR;
- // maxon_bug later should be removed
- if(!(maxon_bug = (ULONG) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, &head->h_Glob,
- sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader))))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur += sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader);
- }
- /******************* Allocate the buffer *****************/
- outbuflen = ROUNDLONG(ulen + (ulen>>5) + head->h_LocSize) + XPK_MARGIN;
- if(!(outbuf = (STRPTR) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_GETBUF, NULL, outbuflen)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- outbuf += head->h_LocSize;
- /* compress to behind local header. This is needed by mem-out hook! */
- if(ulen < xbuf->xb_MinChunk)
- goto copychunk;
- /******************* Pack the chunk **********************/
- xpar = &xbuf->xb_PackParam;
- xpar->xsp_InBuf = buf;
- xpar->xsp_InLen = ulen;
- xpar->xsp_OutBuf = outbuf;
- xpar->xsp_OutBufLen = outbuflen - head->h_LocSize;
- xpar->xsp_Number += 1;
- xpar->xsp_Mode = xbuf->xb_PackingMode;
- xpar->xsp_Password = xbuf->xb_Password;
- xpar->xsp_LibVersion = xbuf->xb_SubInfo->xi_LibVersion;
- xbuf->xb_Result = XpksPackChunk(xpar);
- xbuf->xb_Flags |= XMF_INITED;
- clen = xpar->xsp_OutLen;
- if(xbuf->xb_Result == XPKERR_EXPANSION)
- {
- xbuf->xb_Result = 0;
- copychunk:
- type = XPKCHUNK_RAW;
- clen = ulen;
- outbuf = buf;
- }
- if(xbuf->xb_Result)
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- /******************* Write the chunk **********************/
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_Type = type;
- if(head->h_Glob.xsh_Flags & XPKSTREAMF_LONGHEADERS)
- {
- head->h_Loc.xch_Long.xchl_ULen = ulen;
- head->h_Loc.xch_Long.xchl_CLen = clen;
- }
- else
- {
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_ULen = (WORD) ulen;
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_CLen = (WORD) clen;
- }
- if((rclen = clen&3))
- {
- clen -= rclen;
- CopyMem(outbuf+clen, &end, rclen); /* copy the remaining bytes (max 3) */
- }
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_CChk = cchecksum((ULONG *) outbuf, clen >> 2)
- ^ end[0] ^ end[1];
- /* add the rest bytes to the checksum */
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_HChk = 0;
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_HChk = hchecksum((STRPTR) &head->h_Loc, head->h_LocSize);
- // maxon_bug later should be removed
- if(!(maxon_bug = (ULONG) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, &head->h_Loc, head->h_LocSize)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- // remove
- if(!(maxon_bug = (ULONG) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, outbuf, clen)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- if(rclen)
- {
- // remove maxon_bug
- if(!(maxon_bug = (ULONG) hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, &end, 4)))
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- clen += 4;
- }
- head->h_Glob.xsh_ULen += ulen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur += ulen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur += head->h_LocSize + clen;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_NLen = Min(max(xbuf->xb_InLen, head->h_Glob.xsh_ULen) -
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur, (LONG) xbuf->xb_ChunkSize);
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * XpkSeek() - move around on a compressed file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkSeek(register __a0 struct XpkBuffer *xbuf,
- register __d0 LONG dist, register __d1 LONG mode)
- {
- xbuf->xb_Result = XPKERR_NOFUNC;
- parsegettags(xbuf);
- return xbuf->xb_Result;
- }
- /**************************************************************************
- *
- * XpkClose() - finish (de)compressing an XPK file
- *
- */
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- extern "C"
- #endif
- LONG __asm LIBXpkClose(register __a0 struct XpkBuffer *xbuf)
- {
- struct Library *XpkSubBase = xbuf->xb_SubBase;
- struct Headers *head = &xbuf->xb_Headers;
- LONG outlen;
- if(!xbuf)
- return 0;
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result)
- DebugError("XpkClose: failed (%ld) before XpkClose", xbuf->xb_Result);
- #endif
- switch(xbuf->xb_Format)
- {
- // case XPKMODE_UPPP:
- // break;
- {
- if(!xbuf->xb_Result && !(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_GLOBHDR|XMF_NOPACK))
- {
- hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, &head->h_Glob, sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader));
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed to write globhdr");
- #endif
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur += sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader);
- }
- if(!xbuf->xb_Result && !(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_NOPACK))
- {
- /******************* Write final chunk header *****************/
- memset(&head->h_Loc, 0, head->h_LocSize);
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_Type = XPKCHUNK_END;
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_HChk = 0;
- head->h_Loc.xch_Word.xchw_HChk =
- hchecksum((STRPTR) &head->h_Loc, head->h_LocSize);
- hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, &head->h_Loc, head->h_LocSize);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed to write lochdr");
- #endif
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur += head->h_LocSize;
- outlen = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur;
- /********************** Write global header *******************/
- hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_SEEK, NULL, -outlen);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed to reset output");
- #endif
- head->h_Glob.xsh_Pack = XPK_COOKIE;
- head->h_Glob.xsh_CLen = outlen - 8;
- head->h_Glob.xsh_HChk = 0;
- head->h_Glob.xsh_HChk =
- hchecksum((STRPTR) &head->h_Glob, sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader));
- hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_WRITE, &head->h_Glob, sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader));
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed updating globalhdr");
- #endif
- hookwrite(xbuf, XIO_SEEK, 0, outlen - sizeof(struct XpkStreamHeader));
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed to SEEK to end of output");
- #endif
- }
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CLen = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CCur;
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_ULen = xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_UCur;
- /*************************** Shut down *************************/
- if(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_INITED)
- XpksPackFree(&xbuf->xb_PackParam);
- }
- break;
- if(xbuf->xb_Flags & XMF_INITED)
- XpksUnpackFree(&xbuf->xb_PackParam);
- break;
- }
- hookread(xbuf, xbuf->xb_Result ? XIO_ABORT : XIO_FREE, NULL, 0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed read ABORT/FREE");
- #endif
- hookwrite(xbuf, xbuf->xb_Result ? XIO_ABORT : XIO_FREE, NULL, 0);
- #ifdef DEBUG
- if(xbuf->xb_Result) DebugError("XpkClose: failed write ABORT/FREE");
- #endif
- if(xbuf->xb_Result && xbuf->xb_Result != XPKERR_CHECKSUM && xbuf->xb_OutName)
- DeleteFile(xbuf->xb_OutName);
- parsegettags(xbuf); /* Send information to the user */
- #ifdef DEBUG
- DebugRunTime("XpkClose: InLen %ld, CLen %ld, ULen %ld, ID %.4s", xbuf->xb_InLen,
- xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_CLen, xbuf->xb_Fib.xf_ULen, &xbuf->xb_SubID);
- #endif
- return freebufs(xbuf);
- }